Right to a fair trial (Krakow)

Zahraničné semináre

The training will focus on some aspects of the right to a fair trial in national as well as international context. The purpose of the seminar is the dissemination of a wider knowledge on current case law. This will be followed by a discussion on problems raised on the ground of national legislation and international aspects. The training activities will be conducted in the form of lectures and workshops in English and Polish in its entirety.


Languages: English

The simultaneous translation from Polish into English will be guaranteed. 


IMPORTANT: All those who had participated on the event are obliged to upload REPORT from this event within 30 days after their return and no later than 31 December 2014. The report may be written in Slovak or English language.



Pri prihlasovaní prosíme účastníkov dodržiavať Zásady pre výber účastníkov ( http://www.ja-sr.sk/node/3799 ) ale najmä povinnosť nahrať vlastnoručne podpísané, oskenované čestné prehlásenie o požadovanej znalosti cudzieho jazyka (postup tu: http://www.ja-sr.sk/node/3837 ). Nezabudnite nahrať do osobných súborov aj vyplnenú prihlášku v príslušnom jazyku.


The National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution will cover all the expenses entailed by participants’ presence, regarding accommodation from June 15 until June 17, 2014 and meals starting from breakfast on June 16 up to lunch on June 17, 2014. Participants shall fully cover their travel costs, including travelling within Poland.

Odborný garant
National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution, Poland
Primárna cieľová skupina
Počet účastníkov
Zodpovedný koordinátor
JUDr. Jana Michaličková
Tajomník JA pre prípravu
JUDr. Jana Michaličková, odborný referent pre medzinárodné vzťahy, jana.michalickova@ja-sr.sk
Urgentná komunikácia
JUDr. Jana Michaličková, jana.michalickova@ja-sr.sk, 0911 960 687