Ethics of the judges and prosecutors - analogies in justiciable standards

Zahraničné semináre
Miesto konania

This conference is targeted at judges from all branches of jurisdiction. 

The issue of the ethical conduct of judges is the subject of discussion worldwide, and has increasingly become a focal point in Europe over the last few years.


Other States have developed national rules on judicial ethics which have been or are to be codified: for example in Italy, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia. In Austrian exists a ethic principle declaration of the Austrian Judges about judicial conduct.


The aim of the conference is to inform judges on the current stage of development in Europe, to conduct discussions on the subject and to pose the following questions:


Should judges in Germany be subject to pre-determined ethical rules? 

What ethical norms should apply to judges? 

Should these rules be codified? 

Which body should be responsible for ensuring compliance with these rules?


Language regime: German and English


IMPORTANT: All those who had participated on the event are obliged to upload REPORT from this event within 30 days after their return and no later than 31 December 2014. The report may be written in Slovak or English language.

Odborný garant
Judicial Academy, Germany
Primárna cieľová skupina
Počet účastníkov
Zodpovedný koordinátor
JUDr. Jana Michaličková
Tajomník JA pre prípravu
JUDr. Jana Michaličková, odborný referent pre medzinárodné vzťahy,
Urgentná komunikácia
JUDr. Jana Michaličková,, 0911 960 687