The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in Practice is a project co-financed by the European Commission and it constitutes the third series of training seminars on this topic at ERA. It consists of five decentralised seminars spread across the EU. The project aims to bring light to the application and interpretation of the Charter and to highlight its relevance and potential for the daily work of legal practitioners. Each programme includes presentations, workshops, case studies and discussions with EU law experts.
Please find the latest Programme of the next event incl. the Terms and Conditions linked here.
417DT86 - 6-7 November 2017
In cooperation with the Consejo General del Poder Judicial.
Escuela Judicial -
Consejo General del Poder Judicial
Carretera de Vallvidrera 43-45
08071 Barcelona
Terms and conditions of participation
Registration fee
There is no registration fee.
1. Participation is only open to members of the judiciary from EU Member States.
2. The number of places available is limited. Participation will be subject to a selection procedure. Selection will be de-pendent on the following criteria:
i. the relevance of the seminars to the professional life of the applicant;
ii. geographical balance among the participants will be sought;
iii. in the case of an excess of applications, only one participant per institution may be accepted (guaranteed minimum).
3. Applications should be submitted before 13 September 2017.
4. A response will be sent to every applicant shortly after this deadline. We advise you not to book any travel or hotel before you receive our confirmation.
Registration Fee
5. There is no registration fee.
Travel expenses
6. Travel expenses will be reimbursed to a maximum of 300 euros only for participants coming from abroad. The participants coming from Spain will be reimbursed up to 200 euros. All participants who are within 100 km of the place of the seminar will not get any travels costs and hotel reimbursed. The reimbursement will be made on the basis of the originals of travel receipts (like flight ticket, boarding pass, train ticket, taxi bill, etc.). Participants are advised of the obligation to use the most cost-efficient mode of transport available.
7. Maximum 2 hotel nights will be covered directly by ERA, only for the hotel booked by ERA.
English and Spanish (simultaneous interpretation)
Please, be so kind and send me your nomination proposals till 13st September 2017 at the latest. We expect interested participants to apply online before the deadline. Your nomination proposals will have priority. (Filling in the online form is not yet binding. Entering a valid email address will result in receiving a summary that may be used for further administrative purposes.)
Pripomíname Vám povinnosť nahrať vlastnoručne podpísané, oskenované čestné prehlásenie o požadovanej znalosti cudzieho jazyka (postup tu: do svojich osobných súborov v prípade, že ho ešte nemáte nahraté vo svojich osobných súboroch.
Zároveň pripomíname povinnosť každého účastníka zahraničného seminára nahrať do 15 dní od návratu z podujatia správu zo zahraničnej cesty. Správa zo zahraničnej cesty pre účely JA SR môže byť rovnaká, akú odovzdávate vo svojej inštitúcii alebo v EJTN. V zásade by mala obsahovať dátum, miesto, čas konania akcie, organizáciu, obsah podujatia, finančné podmienky a odborný prínos pre Vašu prax, rozsah min. 1 normostrany. Ďalšie odborné spracovanie obsahu seminára uvedené v tejto správe môže byť použité s cieľom skvalitniť obsah vzdelávania v našej inštitúcii.
Nahratie dokumentu do osobných súborov: Vľavo dole pod Vašim menom kliknite na "Môj účet", následne vpravo hore kliknite na "Osobné súbory" a následne vľavo dole na "Vybrať súbor". Nahratie prebieha podobne ako pri prílohe emailu. Správa sa nahrá do systému, kde je viditeľná pre Vás a zamestnancov akadémie